Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition, timed to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Osip Mandelstam, at the National Library of Russia
From 15 to 31 January 2016 in the reading room of the Research Department of Manuscripts of the Russian State Library (Moscow) was opened the exhibition to the 125th anniversary of the birth of O. E. Mandelshtam "No, never, I was contemporary for nobody, I have no honor".
The exposition presents autographs of Osip Mandelstam from personal archives of autographs of his contemporaries - Anna Akhmatova, Valery Bryusov, Zinaida Hippius and Andrei Beliy; unique family photos of Osip Mandelstam and his entourage; correspondence of Nadezhda Yakovlevna, the poet's wife, with Elena Bulgakova, posters of 1920s with programs of lectures and evenings in the studios of "House of Art". Separately are presented lifetime editions of works by Osip Mandelstam.
The exhibition presents materials from personal archives of M. A. Bulgakov, E. Gerstein, V. Ivanov and K. Chukovsky.