History of Russia: The photo exhibition “The first Heroes of the Soviet Union and the first Heroes of the fest of self-sacrifice” is presented in Veliky Novgorod

15 January 2016

The presentation of the traveling exhibition "The first Heroes of the Soviet Union and the first Heroes of the first feat of self-sacrifice" will be held on January 15, 2016 in the Novgorod Regional Universal Scientific Library. The exhibition features photos from the personal archives of relatives of the first Heroes of the Soviet Union and the portraits of heroes of feat of self-sacrifice from the collection of the club "SV-Search" (Moscow).

80 years ago the word "Chelyuskinets" fanned romance of harsh North, has become a symbol of courage and perseverance. It happened after the Chukchi Sea ten-meter shaft of ice crushed Soviet ship "Chelyuskin" and 104 people, including 10 women and two small children were on an ice floe in the middle of the ice of silence and darkness of the polar night. During brilliantly conducted the rescue operation, subsequently named "Chelyuskin epic", seven pilots were awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, which was established on April 16, 1934 decision of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR.   

The exposition of the photo exhibition "The first Heroes of the Soviet Union - 1934" presents unique photographs from personal archives, carefully stored in the family relatives of "Chelyuskinets" and the first Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The exposition also includes photographs dedicated to the heroes of the first feat of self-sacrifice (feat by A. Pankratov), from the archives of the club "SV-Search", which leads the project "The legendary feat". 

Presentation of the exhibition of photographs "The first Heroes of the Soviet Union and Heroes of the first feat of self-sacrifice" in the Novgorod Regional Library opens a series of impressions of the photo exhibition in the Russian cities that have expressed a desire to host the exhibition.