History and culture: The exhibition “The Chukovsky family in the history and culture of Russia” in Saint-Petersburg

15 January 2016

January 15, 2016 in the Department of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opened the exhibition “The Chukovsky family in the history and culture of Russia”, dedicated to the anniversary of the death of Elena Cesarevna Chukovskaya and the 10th anniversary of the death of Lidia Korneevna Chukovaskaya. The exhibition is based on material of the Department of manuscripts and book collections of the NLR.

The exhibited manuscript and printed materials of representatives of three generations of the family Chukovsky allow reflecting the role of each of them and the whole family in Russia throughout XX century.

The exhibition presents autographs of Korney Chukovsky stored in the Manuscript Department of the NLR, the personal archive materials of Lydia Chukovskaya and her collections, individual work of Elena Chukovskaya.

Book funds of the NLR are rare editions of fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich with illustrations of famous artists, as well as some printed editions of Chukovsky. 

The exposition will run until February 12.