Information technology and museums: The mobile audio guide through the exposition “Izmailovo – the royal patrimony of the XVII century” is presented

13 January 2016

A fascinating journey into the past can take visitors of the manor "Izmailovo" due to audio guide, which recently appeared in the exhibition "Izmailovo - the royal patrimony of the XVII century". In Russian and in English it lasts 30 minutes.

The exposition is located in the territory of the manor "Izmailovo" in the large exhibition hall, which is located in the monument of federal significance. In 1654 the owner of Boyar patrimony Izmailovo with its vast lands becomes Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov. Since then, Izmailovo attract the tsar's hunting grounds, the palace is part of the economy.

So far, the buildings of the XVII century on the island survived the Izmailovo Bridge Tower (1671-1679), St. Basil's Cathedral (1671-1679), the front and rear entrance gates (1679-1682).

The exposition at the Grand Exhibition Hall presents fragments of Izmailovsky "Lions' Gate, survived thanks to the efforts of the architect-restorer Peter Dmitriyevich Baranovsky, a unique collection of drawings Izmailovsky land of the XVII century, tiles, agricultural tools, and more.