History and culture: The exhibition of letters of the end of the XIX – early XX century is opened in Yaroslavl
In the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve until 31 January 2016 is opened the exhibition "I send you, my dear, best regards…", which presents the message of late XIX - early XX centuries. Samples of epistolary genre can be found in the exhibition hall of the exhibition "Lay".
The exhibition title "spy" in a letter stored in the collections of Yaroslavl Museum-Preserve. "I send you, my dear, best regards…" - so gracefully and beautifully, began romantic messages of young people back in the XIX century.
The exhibition presents the memoirs and novels of the XIX century, which is not for nothing called the "golden age of the Russian novel". Among the exhibits - the works of Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, Nikolai Nekrasov poems, novels and short stories of A. F. Pisemsky. Memoirs are by famous ballerina Tatiana Karsavina, poet and composer Alexander Vertinsky and many others.
Unconditional interest to visitors is manual of letter-writing - guide secular epistolary etiquette. Such letter-wiring talked about the style and form of a letter, propriety, clarity and purity about how you need to work on his writing.
The main exhibits - letters. The exhibition is also available and is now lost, and once very popular fun - the "language of marks" when stamp pasted on an envelope in a special way, the recipient could say much more than what is written in words.
Showcases with epistolary messages are complemented by antique stationery, photographs, albums, lots of postcards, porcelain figurines.