Libraries and society: The exhibition of dissertations “Travels. Discoveries. Research” is held at the Russian State Library
The Blue exhibition hall of the Russian State Library (Moscow) hosts the exhibition "Travel. Discoveries. Research", which presents the original theses of 1950-2015 years - 13 doctoral and 45 master's scientific work devoted to studies of Siberia and the Far East Turkestan and Central Asia, North and Antarctica.
A number of theses is associated with the names of the great travelers and explorers - such as Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay, Vladimir Arsenyev and Fyodor Litke. The exhibition presents the thesis of cosmonaut Georgy Grechko "Optical study of the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and astrophysical objects with manned space stations "Salut". The exhibition is opened with the works of famous contemporary scientists.
As applications for theses on display there are handwritten maps, photographs, letters, drawings, made by researchers at the time of travel. For example, Boris Komissarov PhD thesis is devoted to studying the materials of the expedition to Brazil Russian researcher, naturalist and ethnographer Grigory Langsdorf. The main provisions of the work is illustrated with photographs of drawings by Johann Moritz Rugendas, Hercule Florence and Adriana Toney, excerpts from diaries by Langsdorf, excerpts from correspondence between researchers and documentary material collected during the expedition.