Society and culture: Masterpieces of classical art are presented at the exhibition “Thin World” in the Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts
In the I. I. Mashkov Volgograd Museum of Fine Arts was opened the exhibition "Thin World", which presents masterpieces of classical art from the museum.
The exhibition brings together more than 90 works of painting, sculpture, arts and crafts, created in Italy, Holland, France, Flanders, Germany and Russia of the XVI - XIX centuries. Among them there are works which practically did not leave the museum halls throughout the 55-year history of the museum, well-known and loved by the audience. At the same time, there are also works which for a long time remained inaccessible to the audience.
In one exposition space were compared the works of Western European and Russian masters. The authors of the exhibition have tried to understand what the rallying point for the work born in different parts of Europe was. This intersection point of interest was the idea of a Man, the subtle world of the human soul, like the universe, which exists in the human perception, feelings, dreams.
The exposition is organized in accordance with the chronological order. Ignoring geographic boundaries has a base that is new to European experience close neighbor, the interdependence of all from everyone who attended along with the experience of the national values of separate existence. In addition, the artistic practice of the time implied frequent travel, movement of artists and works, which increased the influence of some other schools. We can say that the exhibition is dedicated to the art to overcome borders.