History of Russia: The exhibition “Faberge and Great War” in Saint-Petersburg

11 January 2016

The General Staff building (the State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg) hosts the exhibition "Faberge and the Great War".

The exposition, which shows 43 objects, introduces visitors to the extraordinary production of Carl Faberge jewelry. A unique collection is the JSC "Russian National Museum", Moscow.

On the eve of 1914 in the workshops of Faberge there were about 600 people. The outbreak of the First World War reduced the production, but the company has adapted to the needs of their workshops wartime and began to produce products for the front. The exhibition shows different kinds of such products - copper and brass samovars hiking and kettles, pots and sinks, a lighter and cup. The firm makes syringes and containers for sterilization.

After receiving military orders in the Faberge workshops began to produce shock and remote handset, grenades, shells. Faberge Moscow factory was renamed the Moscow Mechanical Plant. The military department has repeatedly raised products Faberge as an example for the accuracy and thoroughness of manufacture. The exhibition presents a bell ringing which heralded the beginning and end of the working day at the Moscow Mechanical Plant Faberge.

However Faberge never ceased to carry out orders for the royal family. Shortly before the war on Easter on April 6, 1914 the firm completed a silver Easter egg, decorated with the monogram of Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna that the Empress gave the royal couple.