History and Culture: Dedicated to the architectural monuments of the nations of Russia Exhibition in Astrakhan
An opening of the exhibition of graphics, monographs and artistic and journalistic articles entitled "A poet of the good old days. G. K. Lukomsky - an artist, a historian, an art critic" has taken place on February 18, 2016, in the Astrakhan Art Gallery’s Engravings Cabinet. The exhibition is dedicated to a work of the famous Russian researcher of architecture of the nations of Russia George Lukomsky. He has taken an active part in a study and a promotion of ancient monuments and an establishing of the first native museums.
The Assumption Cathedral of Astrakhan Kremlin is among the most significant monuments of Russian culture, listed in the "Russian Monuments of Ancient Architecture" illustrated monograph by Lukomsky. The heritage of Lukomsky consists of the numerous drawings and watercolors, historical, architectural and ethnographic researches, illustrated with photos.
Author's works are stylistically close to the traditions of the "World of Art" and are equally an artistic monument of the epoch and a valuable iconographic material for architects and restorers.
"A poet of the good old days" exhibition is a joint project of the Art Gallery of Astrakhan, the Russian State Library of Arts (Moscow) and the Astrakhan Regional Scientific Library named after N. K. Krupskaya.
The exposition includes 14 original watercolors and drawings, monographs and author’s essays from a stock of the art gallery, a rare edition of G. K. Lukomsky from the collection of the Regional Scientific Library and 20 reproductions from the collection of the Russian State Art Library.
The exhibition will run until 27 March.