Society and book culture: The exhibition “Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece in Russian book tradition of the XVIII-XXI centuries” in Moscow
From February 18 to March 18, 2016 in the Blue exhibition hall of the Russian State Library (Moscow) is held the book-illustrative exhibition "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece in the Russian book tradition XVIII-XXI centuries". The exhibition is organized by the Greek Cultural Center, the Cultural Center "New Acropolis" and the Russian State Library.
The exhibition presents the work of Apollodorus of Athens (II century BC) "Library of the gods" translated by A. K. Barsov (1725), published at the behest of Peter I, as well as the translation and the first edition of the complete version of the "Iliad" by N. I. Gnedich (1829), "Metamorphoses" by Ovid, translated from the French by K. Rembovsky (1794-1795). In addition, visitors will see the translations by V. A. Zhukovsky, P. I. Sokolov and others, stored in the Department of Rare Books (Museum of the Book).
Books on Greek mythology were published by the most famous publishers of the XIX - early XX centuries: A. S. Suvorin, A. A. Levenson, M. O. Wolf, A. F. Marx, I. D. Sytin and others. The samples of their printed products are widely represented at the exhibition.
The decoration of the exhibition is sculptures, busts, reliefs and high reliefs of gods and heroes of ancient Greece, courtesy of the Cultural Center "New Acropolis".