History and culture: The exhibition of illustrations of artists of the XIX-XX centuries to the Caucasian works of Leo Tolstoy is opened in Belgorod

17 February 2016

In the Belgorod State Historical Museum was opened an exhibition "Precious evidence of the epoch", representing illustrations of artists of the XIX - XX centuries to the Caucasian works of Leo Tolstoy.

The exhibition of the Leo Tolstoy State Museum (Moscow) is made up of materials of fine arts collection. The exhibition presents lithographs, sheets of albums, prints and illustrations of famous artists G. G. Gagarin (1810-1893), T. F. Gorshelt (1829-1971), W. Timm (1834-1895), E. E. Lancere (1875-1946), A. A. Plastov (1893-1952), A. V. Vanetsian (1901-1971), M. S. Rodionov (1885-1956), A. V. Kokorin (1908-1987) and others.

We know what important role in the life and work of Leo Tolstoy played his stay in the Caucasus in 1851-1853. It was here that he first felt his mission and began his literary activity. "The Raid", "Felling" were written on the material and the Caucasus under the influence of personal observation, "The Cossacks", "Prisoner of the Caucasus" and "Hadji Murat". Love to the Caucasus, the Caucasian civilization, amazing nature and people inhabiting this region was permeated the work of artists and contemporaries of Leo Tolstoy. Their works became the first peculiar illustrations to the works of the great writer, to expand our understanding of this philosophical and literary concept of a "Caucasus of Tolstoy". And today, they are perceived as a unique historical document that carries the dignity of true art.   

The exhibition also presents artistic illustration of Caucasian stories of great artists of the XX century.

A collection of paintings by the Leo Tolstoy State Museum presented at the exhibition will undoubtedly cause great interest among the visitors.

The exhibition runs till March 23, 2016.