World history: Multimedia exhibition “Remember…The World was saved by a Soviet soldier!” is opened in Tomsk
February 15, 2016 in a Sport-educational complex of the Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radio Electronics is opened a multimedia interactive exhibition of the Russian military-historical society "Remember… The world was saved by a Soviet soldier!", telling about the crimes of Nazism and the liberation mission of the Red Army in Europe. Tomsk will become the eighth city in which the exposition will be held.
On 800 square meters of the Tomsk Technopark are housed unique documents, thematic installations and multimedia screens.
"The uniqueness of this exhibition is in the fact that those pictures, those frames of film and photo chronicle, which are represented here, 90 percent have never been on display - says the Minister of Culture of Russian Federation, Chairman of the Russian military-historical society Vladimir Medinsky. - They were not shown for ethical reasons. Now it is the time to show people what the victory over Nazism is in fact. In the first room visitors learn that the Nazis were preparing us in case of victory, the enslavement of the Soviet Union. In the second hall is told about how the Soviet Army liberated Europe".
The exhibition "Remember… The world was saved by a Soviet soldier" is divided into blocks, dedicated to the key milestones of the Great Patriotic War. Through photographs and archival materials, memoirs of participants of events of those years are represented the Battle of Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk, Leningrad defense operation "Bagration" in Belarus, the heroic actions of the guerrillas, exploit workers in the rear, the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, liberation of Poland, meeting of allies on the Elbe, the capture of Berlin.
The exhibition in Tomsk will run daily till March 21.