History of a book: The exhibition “Time, forward! Soviet photo book of 1920s-1930s” in Saint-Petersburg
The State Museum and Exhibition Centre ROSPHOTO (St. Petersburg) with the support of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture and the National Library of Russia from Febraury 12, 2016 presents the exhibition "Time, forward! Soviet photo book of 1920-1930".
"Time forward! Soviet photobook of 1920-1930" - curatorial project of the famous artist and researcher of photo books Mikhail Karasik. Soviet photo book of 1920-1930 - a unique monument of industrial literary breakthrough. For this exhibition have been selected photo books, in which the photographic material is built on the scenario plan and a clear storyline.
The exhibition features twenty books, chosen from the whole body of publications of the period. These masterpieces easily trace the history of photo books, as well as the main trends in photography and design of those years.
The exposition is built on the themes: Prologue - The lessons of constructivism - Industrialization - Red Army - a happy country - Edge abundance. The exhibition features original photographs from the collection of ROSPHOTO: pictures of Max Alpert, Dmitry Debabov, George Selma, Boris Ignatovich, Boris Kudoyarov, Alexander Rodchenko, Ivan Shagin, Arcady Shaikhet, who repeatedly reproduced in photo books.