Museums of Russia: The exhibition of works from the collection of the Radischev Museum “Russian Original graphics of the end of the IX – early quarter of the XX century” in Saratov
From February 9 to March 21, 2016 the changing exhibitions of works from the museum collection of Radischev "Russian original graphics end of XIX - the first quarter of the XX century" is running in a historic building of the Saratov State Art Museum of the series "Graphic album".
The Russian artistic culture of the turn of the century art graphics has been one of the most interesting and topical events. The exhibition includes a so-called "picturesque" graph that connects the best features of the language of the two types of fine art. In this combination was shown efforts in the early twentieth century, the tendency to the synthesis of various arts, the search for new expressive possibilities of traditional techniques. The absence of the academic stage, presenting to an audience of open and clear "technology" also becomes a sign of the time.
All these trends are reflected in the activities of the "World of Art", occurred on the grounds of St. Petersburg in 1898 and existed until 1924.
The exhibition presents works by Alexander Nikolayevich Benois, Albert Nikolayevich Benois, Mstislav Valerianovich Dobuzhinsky, Eugene Yevgenievich Lancere, Aleksandr Yakovlevich Golovin, Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva, Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel.