History of Russia: Historical hour “Battle of Volochayevka” in Birobidzhan
February 12, 2016 on the basis of the Sholem Aleichem Birobidzhan Regional Universal Scientific Library took place a historic hour devoted to one of the largest battles of the final part of the Russian Civil War, occurring on February 10-12, 1922, in the station area Volochayevka of the Amur Railway.
Patriotic events and meetings to mark the February 12 - Day of Remembrance of the fallen in the Far East during the Civil War, are held for school students of the city every year.
This year, personnel of the Birobidzhan Regional Centre of the Presidential Library and the Regional Council of Veterans of War, Labor, Armed Forces spoke about the historical significance of the Battle of Volochayevka. From frames of documentary chronicles the boys learned about the political situation in the Far East during the Civil War and the events preceding the battle, followed with great interest the progress of the battle in his scheme. In the electronic presentation are included photographs of the battle and memorial sites located on the territory of the Jewish Autonomous Region, related to the events of the Civil War.