Memory of Russia: The photo exhibition, dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of Russian presence on Mount Athos, in Kaluga

11 February 2016

2016 marks 1000 years of Russian presence on Mount Athos. This historical date has become the main theme of the XI International Orthodox Sretensky Cinema Festival “Meeting”, which will take place in Kaluga from February 18-23, 2016.

On the eve of the festival on 10 February 2016, in the Kaluga Museum of the War of 1812, located in the memorial house of G. S. Batenkov, was opened a photo exhibition of Archpriest Alexander Karataev of Vyatka diocese, who visited Mount Athos, and he made the film "Hilandar" about his pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain and the plot of this film did a photo exhibition. Each work is complemented by a quote from the movie, as if the whole film is unfolded before the audience.

The exhibition will be traveling. During one year it will visit all of the cities of the Kaluga region and other Russian cities. The exhibition in Kaluga will last until February 20.