Society and culture: The exhibition “Listening to the XXI century: the music in the collections of the National Library of Russia” in Saint-Petersburg
February 11, 2016 in the New building of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opened the exhibition "Listening to the XX Century: Music in the collections of the NLR".
The exhibition offers to get acquainted with the phenomenon of avant-garde movements in the music of the XX century. At the heart of the exhibition - the materials of the Department of music and musical sound recordings of the NLR. Publications are selected be personnel of the department of cultural programs.
Among the exhibits - musical and graphic recordings of musical works of domestic and foreign representatives of the avant-garde of the XX century.
A special place in the exposition belongs to sheet music of Alexander Scriabin, which laid foundation in the world's musical avant-garde.
One section is dedicated to Erik Satie - the innovator of musical art, the founder of modern music lounge, the author of music for the first avant-garde film. The musical publications of his works, including a surreal ballet "Parade" (1917), created in collaboration with Sergei Diaghilev and the young Pablo Picasso and which became a symbol of the spirit of France at the time are presented.
To understand the essence of avant-garde art will also help publications, presented at the exhibition, including the book "The End of Time of composers» musicologist, music philosopher and composer Vladimir Martynov.
The exhibition will run until March 14.