Internet and society: Materials of the website of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tuqay will help to participate in the All-Russian action “Journey to the world of Tuqay”

10 February 2016

April 26, 2016 marks 130 years since the birth of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tuqay. Republican Children's Library of Tatarstan invites libraries of the republic serving readers, children to take part in the All-Russian action "Journey into the world of Tuqay". Select poems, tales and poems of Tuqai participants can through the materials about Gabdulla Tuqay website that hosts the works of the poet in Russian, Tatar and English. In addition, this website is a detailed biography of the poet, photos of different years, the poet's museum in Russia, winner of the G. Tuqay, embodiment of his works in the arts.

Gabdulla Tuqay (1886-1913) entered the history of Tatar literature as a great poet, who laid the foundation for a new national poetry as one of the founders of the modern Tatar language. The creative activity of the poet lasted only eight years. He died at the age of 27, leaving behind over 10 thousand lines of poetry (more than 400 poetry, 9 poems), about 50 sheets of prose (350 short stories, essays and memoirs). Gabdulla Tuqay’s works have been translated into many languages. Books of Tuqay teach beauty, kindness, diligence call to be merciful, just and courageous. They contribute to the formation of such character traits as diligence, honesty, courage, humility, responsibility and instill an interest in reading and knowledge.