Memory of the world: The 575th anniversary of Alisher Navoi is celebrated in Uzbekistan

10 February 2016

Uzbekistan held events dedicated to the 575th anniversary of the birth of the founder of Uzbek classical literature, humanist, statesman of the medieval East, poet Alisher Navoi (his full name Nizamaddin Mir Alisher), who lived in the XV century (1441-1501).

Thus, state theatres play play "Alisher Navoi" by scenario of playwright Izzat Sultan, in national parks and other places are laying flowers at the monument to the poet; literary events dedicated to the birthday of the great poet, are held in all regions of the country.

The National Library of Uzbekistan, which bears the name of the poet, was opened the exposition of manuscripts and books of Navoi. A special place in the exposition is occupied by the scientific works of famous foreign scientists who have studied the life and creative activity and works of Alisher Navoi.

The artistic heritage of Alisher Navoi includes about 30 large pieces - sofas (poetry collections), poems (epos), philosophical and scientific treatises. In the lyrical legacy of Navoi the leading place belongs to gazelle - genre, which incorporates mainly the love theme and the associated vivid mood.