Exhibitions: The art works of Oleg Yakhnin on literary themes are presented in Saint-Petersburg

7 February 2016

February 4, 2016 in the Marble Palace (the State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg) was opened the exhibition "Oleg Yakhnin".

The exhibition introduces to the works of Honored Artist of Russia Oleg Yakhnin - St. Petersburg recognized masters of painting, easel and book graphics. A graduate of the Academy of Arts – the I. E. Repin Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (1972), Yakhnin gained fame and recognition not only in Russia but also abroad. The exhibition is a master of creative reports for 45 years. The exhibition includes about 150 paintings, watercolors, etchings and lithographs, created in the period from the second half of the 1970s until 2015.

Oleg Yakhnin became an active participant in the artistic life of Leningrad in 1970, carried out a series of colored linocuts, lithographs and drawings of large format, many of which were created on the themes and subjects of literary works. The exhibition presents lists of "Faust" monumental cycle (1981), which earned master deserved fame, and a series of works created in the last two decades in the technique of etching, "The Seven Deadly Sins" (2014), "Slavic mythical creatures" (2011) "Great Code" (1999-2003).

The exhibition includes illustrations of recent years, made by publishing house "Vita Nova", bookplates, unique editions with the author's etchings, drawings from the series "20 sonnets to Mary Stuart", Joseph Brodsky from the collection of the State Russian Museum.