The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with its own video-production, presented as part of the educational project "video materials "Knowledge about Russia". The project aims to reflect the anniversaries of Russian history and general issues related to Russian statehood. The main objective of video materials - the development of cultural and spiritual potential of young people, awakening the desire for a deeper study of the history of the Fatherland.
Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of church history of the historical faculty of MSU Pavel Kuzenkov in his lecture Byzantine selection of Rus’ (43 min. 26 sec.) reflects on the subject, still causing debate: why between Christianity, Judaism, Islam Prince Vladimir chose Christianity and how the religious factor has helped to strengthen the Russian state from within.
Lecture of the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the St. Petersburg State University Nadezhda Ilinichna Milyutenko Foreign policy on the eve of the Holy Prince Vladimir of the baptism of Rus’ (30 min.) is devoted to the political circumstances in which Prince Vladimir accepted Christianity and tells about the relationship of ancient Russia with the countries of the Arab Caliphate.
On the characteristics of Russian chronicles of the second half of XV-XVI centuries the candidate of historical sciences, head of the information and bibliographic service of the Manuscript Division of the NLR Michael Alexeevich Shibaev elaborated in his lecture Ivan III in Russian chronicles of his time (43 min. 40 sec.). The lecturer pointed out that the annals are not only monuments of public opinion, but also the legal documents, which serve as an indicator of social development of a region. In addition, a question was raised about the unreliability of information about the era of Ivan III, submitted some later chronicles, such as Nikon, Resurrection chronicle or face Chronicle.
Ivan III’S problem of relations with the aristocracy is reflected in lecture of the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor, Institute of History of the St. Petersburg State University Alexander Leonidovich Korzinin - Tsar of All Rus’ Ivan III and the aristocracy (46 min. 38 sec.). The lecturer spoke about the "conspiracy" princes I. Y. and V. I. Patrikeyev and S. I. Ryapolovsky, relations with sovereign claimant to the throne, as well as the initial stage of the local system in the Novgorod land in the late XV - early XVI centuries and representatives of titled land allotment and the untitled nobility.
Doctor of historical sciences, professor of the St. Petersburg State University Alexander Ilyich Filyushkin in his lecture How Russia became to Europe Asia or Russia's image in the eyes of the West in the XV-XVI centuries. (1 hour 18 min.) considered the initial phase of the folding concepts of Russian identity in the Western world, said that in Europe knew about Russia in the XVI century and how varied the European consciousness ideas about our country.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Social Work and Social Security Institute of complex safety of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University Tatiana Igorevna Troshina in her lecture Russian North during the First World War (57 min. 50 sec.) spoke about various aspects of life of the northern region during the First World War. That is the history of the grand road and port development in the European North of Russia in the war, about the forced mobilization of the local economy to support the army and the defense industry, the activities for the defense of the region.
Doctor of historical sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Presidential Library Pavel Viktorovich Fedorov in a lecture Balkans and the Russian North (83 min. 08 sec.) reveals and analyzes the relationship between the situation in the Balkan theater of war and the policy of the Russian Empire on the device of the Northern Corridor posts with allies during the First World War. Specifying a background of building railways and ports in the Russian North during the war.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Institute of the History of the St. Petersburg State University Alexander Sergeevich Puchenkov in his lecture Civil War in Russia: the white and the red (1 hour 23 min. 08 sec.) presented a lot of interesting facts from the life of Anton Denikin - one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War, telling about the general not only as a military commander, politician and public figure, but also as a writer, memoirist, journalist, war documentarian.
Doctor of History, Professor, Head of Department of History of Modern and Contemporary History Institute of the St. Petersburg State University Vladimir Baryshnikov dedicated his lecture The Soviet Union and international relations in Europe on the eve and at the beginning of World War II (30 min. 15 sec.) to events having mixed reviews, both in domestic and in foreign historiography. The lecturer spoke about the prerequisites of war, rooted in the events of 1919 (the Treaty of Versailles), the policy of other states, a position which the Soviet Union held during this period of the Munich Agreement, the treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union (Molotov - Ribbentrop) in August 1939 and the secret annex to the treaty, defining the scope of influence of the two countries.
The teacher of history and social gymnasium 157 of St. Petersburg in honor of Princess E. M. Oldenburg, the winner of the city contest of pedagogical achievements in the "Teacher of the Year" in 2014 Anna Borisovna Shchukina has dedicated her lecture to the Institute of citizenship in the Russian Federation (57 min. 28 sec. ). Students got an idea of the differences of nationality and citizenship, became acquainted with different approaches to the definition of "citizenship", learned about the different ways of acquiring citizenship, civil rights and obligations, and the role of citizens in shaping a democratic state, and others.
The publication of new research and entertainment video materials at the Presidential Library website will be continued.