Memorable dates of Russia: The photo exhibition “The Night is Light. Dedicated to F. M. Dostoevsky…” to the 195th anniversary of the writer in Moscow

5 February 2016

February 5, 2016 in the White Hall of the Library of Foreign Literature (Moscow) is opened the exhibition by Lyudmila Volkova "The Night is Light", dedicated to the celebration in 2016 of the jubilee date - the 195th anniversary of the birth of the Great Russian writer and thinker Fyodor Dostoevsky.

The exhibition is a continuation of a series of events organized by the Library of Foreign Literature in the framework of the "Landscape of the classics". These are exhibition projects and the release of photo albums of Lyudmila Volkova, Petersburg journalist, photographer and artist, dedicated to the works of N. V. Gogol, I. A. Goncharov, A. Camus, I. S. Brodsky and others. The exhibition of her works, conducted jointly with the Library, was presented in many cities in Russia and Europe. 

"The Night is Light" - an exhibition of photographs taken by Lyudmila Volkova on the novel by Fyodor Dostoyevsky "White Nights". The peculiarity of these photographs is that they do not merely illustrate the prose of the writer, but also create a special image of St. Petersburg, where the literary action takes place.

Lyudmila Volkova, carefully keeping the word of the writer, with photographic accuracy and strictly following the text, conveys in her photographs not only the atmosphere of urban areas, but also the atmosphere of the story itself, causing viewers to read it again.

At the exhibition "The Night is Light" viewers will have the opportunity to meet with established by Petersburg photographer rendering story of F. M. Dostoevsky, where each presented photo subject corresponds to the modern city and is accompanied by a quote from the work.

The exhibition will run until February 28, 2016.