The Russian language: The Russian language is included in the number of the Orthodox Council official languages

4 February 2016
Source: TASS

The Russian language has become one of the three official languages of the Orthodox Council, which will be held in June in Greek island Crete. This was announced at the press-conference in Moscow on the basis of the Bishop council by the chairman of the Department of External church relations Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk.

“The documents of the Council are published in three official languages: Russian, French and Greek”, - said the Metropolitan.

The Orthodox Council will take place on the Greek island Crete of June 19-26, 2016. This event will be the historic one for the entire Orthodox World. The Orthodox Council will be attended by 24 bishops from each of 14 Local orthodox churches. The largest of them is the Russian Orthodox Church – brings together no less than 50 million people.