Libraries and society: The contest of library projects “Murmansk – capital of the Kola Polar region” to the centenary anniversary of the hero-city

3 February 2016

Since February 1, 2016 the Murmansk State Regional Universal Scientific Library announces the regional contest of library projects – “Murmansk – the capital of Kola Polar region” to the centenary of the hero city of Murmansk, the world’s largest city of the Arctic circle.

The objective of the contest – the attraction of residents of the area to the celebration of the centenary anniversary of the city of Murmansk and the increasing of interest to the history of the capital of the Kola Polar region through the project activity of the library, as well as the activation and the improvement of libraries’ work in the Murmansk region on the organization of local history activity.

The contest welcomes state and municipal libraries of the Murmansk region, which implement projects, timed to the anniversary of the city of Murmansk.

The contest is held from February 1 to October 31, 2016 in three categories:

“From the past to the future| - projects, aimed at the organization of research woks of libraries, the preservation of historical knowledge of the city of Murmansk;

“At the Murmansk direction” – projects, aimed at developing among children and youth of a sense of patriotism, pride and interest to the heroic past of the city of Murmansk, the respect to military labor of residents of the Arctic Polar region during the great Patriotic War;

“the names in the history of Murmansk” – projects, aimed at promoting knowledge of the honored, famous people of the city of Murmansk, who contributed to the development of the city, its national economy, socio-cultural and spiritual life, which state political, public, scientific, creative activity received recognition.