Memorable dates of Russia: The preparation to celebrate 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Solzhenitsyn was started in Ryazan

2 February 2016

Ryazan has started preparations for the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, which will be celebrated in 2018. The plans - to create a museum center of the writer in Ryazan, the vice-governor Sergey Filimonov said.

It is approved a regional plan of commemorative events, most of which is scheduled for 2018. The plan includes the preparation of a number of exhibitions, presentations, exhibitions dedicated to the works of the writer, his legacy in literature, history of Russia, thematic conferences, meetings and more.

A special place in preparation for the anniversary takes landscaping memorable places associated with the name of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and his life.

The Alexander Solzhenitsyn Center will be a structural subdivision of the Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. It will be located in the building on the Liberty Street, which now houses the Museum of the History of the youth movement.

The director of the Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve Olga Krechetova, talking about what will be the museum center of Solzhenitsyn noted that along with the museum exhibit, the place becomes a place of meetings and discussions.

The museum exposition will feature authentic belongings of the writer, unique photographs, correspondence with the residents of Ryazan, stored in personal archives of local residents, manuscripts, audio recordings and documents; typewritten copy of the author's novel "One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich".