Internet and history: The website “Immortal Regiment of Russia” is launched

30 March 2016

To the 71st anniversary of Victory from February 2016 began its work the website “Immortal Regiment of Russia”, which will provide information about the participants of the Great Patriotic War from all regions on the basis of questionnaires and personal stories. This website provides information about the participants of the war, including biography, photos, and award sheets.

Now everyone has the opportunity to add his relative at Russian Books Memory by following the link on the website of "Immortal Regiment of Russia" in the block "Participants of the Great Patriotic War". The organizers invite all who celebrate May 9 as a great holiday of all our people, who remembers and honors the feat of our grandfathers and great grandfathers, relatives and friends of the family, defeated fascism, who knows what the price has got to win, to place stories about their families, their lives, their heroism, to contribute to the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory.