Exhibitions: Works by Geliy Korzhev are presented at the State Tretyakov Gallery

26 March 2016

The State Tretyakov Gallery hosts the personal exhibition by Geliy Korzhev. The work of this artist, according to specialists, is one of the brightest in national fine art. Masters call him the last Russian realist of the XX century.

Geliy Korzhev declared about himself after the war, in the middle of the last century he became one the leaders of legendary sixties. His canvases are the art manifesto, supposing to newly look at life and fate of Soviet people of that time.

Plans to organize the personal exhibition at the State Tretyakov Gallery were discussed throughout the years. But now the project has already been implemented. Visitors will be able to see the woks of Geliy Korzhev, which the artist created during his works – since 1943 to 2011.