Society and science: International Archaeological Laboratory of network type is being created by specialists of the Far Eastern Federal University

25 March 2016
Source: RIA News

The Far Eastern Federal University under its auspices creates the International Archaeological Laboratory of the network type, which will study the history of the peoples of the Pacific, who lived several years ago, said the press-service of the university.

"The new network project aims to unite scientists from Russia, Ecuador, the Philippines, Japan and other countries Pacifica. As part of the laboratory colleagues will be able to more quickly and effectively communicate research results to develop common approaches in the study of vectors of development of historical processes in ancient times in different parts of the Asia-Pacific region", - said in a statement.

According to director of the Educational Science Museum FEFU Alexander Popov, the idea of ​​establishing such a laboratory appeared during the implementation of the joint project of archeologists FEFU and the Polytechnic Institute for the Study of the littoral (Guayaquil, Ecuador).

"Specialists working on similar issues in different parts of the Pacific region require a constant exchange of information. Creating a network lab will help to establish a contact for a comprehensive study of historical processes in ancient times", - said Popov.

Their willingness to take part in the network lab partners have already expressed at the Polytechnic Institute study littoral (Ecuador) and the University of the Philippines. Negotiations with two Japanese Hokkaido and Tohoku University are in progress.