Museums of Russia: The exhibition, dedicated to the G. I. Uspensky House Museum in Chudovo

25 March 2016

March 25, 2016 at the Scientific-cultural center of the N. A. Nekrasov House Museum (the Chudovsky branch of the Novgorod Museum Reserve) is opened the exhibition "New Life of the G. I. Uspensky House-Museum". To the 50th anniversary of the re-exposition".

The basis of the exhibition is the story of the museum of G. I. Uspensky in Syabrenitsy. The idea of ​​the opening of the Museum of Literature, dedicated to the memory of the writer, in the house where he lived from 1881 to 1882, there was more in the 20s of the last century. In 1934, Uspensky and Chudovsky family entered into an agreement to transfer the house into a museum. On the basis of the agreement in June 1935 it was opened the first and only museum of G. I. Uspensky.

During the occupation, from 1941 to 1944, in the Syabrenitsky house of Uspensky Germans lived. During this time all museum collections were destroyed. After the liberation of Chudovo from Nazi invaders from 1944 to 1951 the fate of the house-museum belonged to Boris Uspensky, the youngest son Gleb Ivanovich. On his initiative, with government support the preparations for the restoration of the museum were held. By 1952 the house was renovated. In 1966, the museum became a part of the Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. Currently, the museum houses a literary exposition which introduces the life and work of G. I/ Uspensky, and memorial room – office by G. I. Uspensky, living room, kitchen, room of Alexandra Vasilievna, the wife of the writer.

The new exhibition presents materials on the history of the museum, letters, documents, photographs from Chudovsky branch funds, letters from the personal archives of Ivan Kuzmich Maltsev, who led an active correspondence with his son Boris Uspensky, his daughter Elena Borisovna Uspenskaya-Oshanina and maintained a close relationship with the staff of the Pushkin House. Letters and documents of the time passed to I. K. Maltsev museum are exhibited for the first time.

The exhibition will run till June 7, 2016.