History of Russia: The round table “Forgotten names and events of military history of Feodosia” in the Republic of Crimea

24 March 2016

March 24, 2016 in the exposition hall "Feodosia duirng the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" of the Feodosia Museum of Antiquities (Republic of Crimea) is held a round table on "Forgotten names and events of the Feodosia military history: to the first anniversary of the city of Feodosia assigning the honorary title of "City of Military Glory". To participate in the round table are invited museum professionals, teachers of history of the city schools, librarians, historians, representatives of veteran and patriotic organizations, media representatives and all who are interested in military history of Feodosia and Crimea. 

During the round table will be heard reports of one of the events of the Bosporus-Feodosia War (the first half of the IV century BC), the heroes of the Great Patriotic War - Avchinnikov Sergey Fedorovich (the organizer of the underground in the first period of the occupation of the city of Feodosia (November-December 1941), Luzhetsky Andrei Gavrilovich (Hero of the Soviet Union, the first commandant of the city of Feodosia after his release in April 1944), Solodkoy Aleksey Pavlovich (team leader breakthrough riot - participant in the liberation of Feodosia and the surrounding area in April 1944), Sokolova Alexandra Alexandrovna (flying ace, a decorated, born in Feodosia), Sherman Aron Moiseevich (commander of the assault detachment during the liberation of Feodosia and Koktebel in December 1941), Shoyhetman Mikhail Davidovich (commissioner riot during the liberation of Feodosia and Koktebel in December 1941). There will be affected topical issues of further study, preservation and promotion of the significant events of Feodosia and Crimea military history.