Memory of Russia: Permanent exhibition dedicated to the " Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" monument opens in Moscow

10 March 2016
Source: MEA Manege

On March 10, 2016, the state culture establishment of Moscow Museum and Exhibition Association Manege (Moscow) opens a permanent museum exposition, dedicated to a legendary Soviet monument and its creators, at the Worker and Kolkhoz Woman Exhibition Center. It will take an entire first floor of the building.

A well-thought out and aesthetic design and architecture of exposition create a deserving surrounding to its content. An appearance of the lobby, ramps and between the floors spaces will change. The museum exposition itself will be periodically updated and extended with materials in context of the epoch of creation of monument and archival materials from the Manege stock.

Among the exhibits are scale models, archive materials, the documentary footages, objects and furniture of 30-ies of the last century as well as the personal belongings of the sculptor Vera Mukhina and architect Boris Iofan.

The contemporary approach to the creation of this exhibition allows the viewer to learn in detail the large number of archival materials and items of small plastic, accompanying texts and educational program will tell about the era of the creation of the "Worker and Kolkhoz Woman" monument and other projects, sculptors, painters and architects, who worked in the Soviet Union on the creation of objects of monumental propaganda.