Internet and history: Interactive map of the most important battles in history is launched

1 March 2016

The Network has launched the first interactive map of major battles in the history of mankind which took place in the last 4.5 thousand years.

It was created by portal Nodegoat, which specializes in data visualization. The map contains information about more than 2.5 thousand battles. The earliest of them took place about 4.5 thousand years ago. To visualize the developers used to open data on battles placed in the Wikipedia and DBpedia.

The map is easy to use. When you move the cursor to the corresponding marker a window is emerged. It contains a summary of the battle and a link to the source, passing through which you can get acquainted with the history of a particular battle.

Markers are shown as dots of different colors, each corresponding to a specific period. For example, a single marker is dedicated to the events of the First World War. This period covers five years. For comparison, the white marker points to the battle that took place in the period from 2500 to 500 years BC. The most striking color paints armed conflicts from 1946 to the present day.