To the 71st anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition “Letters from the front to Borovichi” in the Novgorod region

28 April 2016

April 26, 2016 at the Museum of the history of the city of Borovichi and the Borovichi region (the Novgorod region) of the branch of the Novgorod Museum Reserve, was opened the exhibition "Letters from the Front to Borovichi". The exhibition presents more than 20 letters to Soviet soldiers sent from the front.

Peaceful life of Borovichi residents was broken in July 30, 1941 by German aircraft on a training airfield on the outskirts of the city. Invasion of the Nazis in Borovichi was avoided. The town was near the front, but, as in the whole country, here was held the general mobilization. People worked on defense and waited for letters from the front. These letters were not intended for publication, but eventually became invaluable documents of the heroic chronicle of the Great Patriotic War. Yellowing leaves on the time front triangles, written in ink or pencil on a page from a school notebook, wrapper or newsprint before the fight started or after a battle somewhere in the dugout and today "revive" for us the memory of those years.

The exhibition will run until May 15, 2016.