To the Day of Russian parliamentarianism: The Historical and Documentary exhibition, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the first State Duma in Moscow
The Day of Russian parliamentarianism - a memorable date, which is celebrated on April 27 in honor of the first meeting of the State Duma, which took place on April 27, 1906. This year marks 110 years of the beginning of the first State Duma.
In Moscow, the State Duma Parliamentary Library took place the opening of historical-documentary and a book exhibition "From the history of elections", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the beginning of the first State Duma.
This exhibition project is the result of great teamwork management of library collections of the State Duma, the main Archive of Moscow, the Russian State Archive of Cinema and the State Public Historical Library of Russia.
Its centerpiece is the documents of Archival fund of Moscow and book editions from the funds of the Parliamentary Library. The materials of the exhibition show the principles, conditions and the degree of public participation in the formation of electoral bodies, organization and procedure of the elections to the first legislature. On display there are sets of documents of various political parties, as well as flyers, brochures, posters, photographs, many of which are exhibited for the first time.