History of Russia: International Research Conference “The Russian ruble: 700 years of history” in Veliky Novgorod

25 April 2016

April 25, 2016 in the hall of meetings of the Novgorod Regional Philharmonic is opened the International Research Conference “The Russian ruble: 700 years of history”.

In 2016, the Russian ruble celebrates 700 years. The first mention in chronicles of the monetary unit is contained under 1316 year, when Novgorod at the conclusion of peace with the Prince of Tver Mikhail Alexandrovich agreed to a ransom of 5 thousand rubles. It was Novgorod silver hryvna that became known as the ruble. The dating of the word "ruble" in a written document is confirmed by archaeological sources. Thus, the earliest Novgorod birchbark documents № 138, containing references to this currency, dates from the first to the 20th anniversary of the XIV century. Thus, Veliky Novgorod can rightly consider itself the founder of the Russian national currency. 

As part of the conference in the building of government offices of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin will be open the exhibition "The Russian ruble. 700 years of history". It features over three hundred complexes of monetary monuments - from the first ruble-denominated bullion of the XIV century to ruble coins to the XXI century, including several numismatic complexes, as well as eight birchbark documents of the XII - XV century, in the texts that mention the word "ruble".