Electronic libraries: The e-library is being created at the Novosibirsk State University

24 April 2016

The Novosibirsk State University has opened access to the electronic library, which contains more than 600 objects and continues to grow. The project is aimed at further development of inclusive education at the NSU. Creating a library was made possible by grants of the Russian Ministry of Education in the framework of the project "Education without Borders".

The objectives of the creation and development of an electronic library (NEB) NSU is improving reader service systems using modern information technology, improving the quality of access to library resources, the need to preserve documents, published in the NSU, and editions of rare books department of the NSU academic libraries.

According to the director of NB NSU Lyudmila Lyagushina, one of the benefits of the resource - the connection with the electronic catalog of the university library (the user finds the publication in the catalog and moves directly into an electronic library).

The e-library contains the following sections: "Video Archive", "Publications of the NSU", "Books of the rare fund of scientific library of NSU", "Conference Proceedings" (ISSC and MESC), "Periodicals", "Personal collection", "Electronic resources of remote access".

The NSU has an important instrument – the version for the visually impaired.