Information technology and culture: 3D reconstructions of ancient famous cities are created

19 April 2016

Three-dimensional video reconstructions of ancient cities, now completely changed or even disappeared, have recently become an important part of history. Computer technology allow in detail to restore the lost monuments and entire settlements. Thanks to new computer technologies it have been created reconstructions of ancient cities.

On creation, it would seem, such a short movie about Rome took nearly 10 years. It involved specialists of the six universities in Italy, the USA and France. The basis of the 3D-models has become archaeological research and layout Plastico di Roma Antica, presented at the Museum of Roman Civilization.

The video has recreated the image of Rome in 320 AD. You can see the city from a bird's eye, as if it was removed from the quadrocopter.

3D-reconstruction of Babylon allows you to look at one of the Seven Wonders of the World, which has not survived to the present day - the Hanging Gardens, which were built by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II for his wife Amitis. This model was created in the framework of Byzantium 1200.

Detailed reconstruction of Carthage before the destruction by the Romans was created by the French television magazine «Des Racines et des ailes», which is comparable to 3D-model of the ancient city with the ruins of the territory of modern Tunisia.

3D-reconstruction of Palmyra was created in 2009 by a team of the publishing house Al-Aous Publishers and the Institute of Culture of Syria.

Ancient Palmyra was at the mercy of terrorists in late May 2015 and was released in March 2016. There were destroyed the objects, not related to Islam - from the ancient monuments to the Christian graves. In August 2015 the temples of Bel and Baal Shamin were destroyed at the beginning of September - three funerary towers that were built in the period from 103 on 44 BC, and in October - the Arc de Triomphe, one of the outstanding monuments of the city, which was a UNESCO World heritage Site.

The State Hermitage Director Mikhail Piotrovsky in an interview with TASS said that the State Hermitage Museum would create a virtual model of the destroyed Palmyra to the exhibition dedicated to the cultural heritage of Syria.

The virtual reconstruction will be based on the preserved historical and contemporary images of ancient ruins - the colonnades and the remains of the magnificent temples. According to the director of the Hermitage, the model will recreate Palmyra at the time before the destruction. To reconstruct the views of the ancient city since its heyday is not planned.