Memorable dates of Russia: Events to the 220th anniversary of the Saint Innocent started in Blagoveshchensk

19 April 2016

April 16, 2016 in the Amur Regional Library were held educational readings, dedicated to the great scientist, researcher, politician, religious leader of the Amur region – Innocent (Veniaminov).

The official celebration of the 220th anniversary of the birth of St. Innocent, and the 40th anniversary of his canonization in the Russian Federation will begin in late 2016. The main day of celebration is September 8, 2017. The composition of the organizing committee on preparation and holding the celebrations of the 220th anniversary of the birth of St. Innocent, and the 40th anniversary of his canonization at the Ministry of Culture of Russia, created on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, includes 23 people, among them representatives of the executive authorities of the 13 subjects and ROC. In January 2016 a plan was approved for the preparation and holding of festive events to be held in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in Primorye, Khabarovsk and Kamchatka Territories, Magadan, Sakhalin and the Irkutsk regions in the Chukotka Autonomous District. 

As part of the commemorative events will be held scientific and practical conferences and round tables, shooting and presentation of documentaries, will be published collection of essays and letters of the saint in seven volumes, a collection of his unpublished letters, at the Museum of Music and Folklore of Yakutia will be held the exhibition "Light of Truth carrying people…" in the A. Vampilov Irkutsk Theatre of young spectator will be put performance "Saint", and in the Kamchatka region will be set a Worship cross, and on Cathedral Square in Magadan will appear the monument to Innocent.