History and culture: The exhibition dedicated to Sergei Yesenin was opened in Yaroslavl

16 April 2016

The Yaroslavl Museum-Preserve invites you to get acquainted with the new exhibition "Your familiar Yesenin!..", presented in the exhibition hall of the exposition "Lay."

The exhibition "Your familiar Yesenin!.." organized by the S. A. Yesenin State Museum-Reserve which is located on a small home of the poet in the Ryazan region. The exhibition recounts Konstantinovo village where the talent of Sergei Alexandrovich was formed, for relatives and friends of the poet, influenced his life and destiny. But, of course, important place is given to the bright personality of Sergei Yesenin and its rich artistic heritage.

Emphasis is placed on personal Yesenin items - gloves and bowler, acquired in the 20s of the last century in Moscow and abroad, as well as household items belonging to the poet's mother and his sister. It is a unique exhibit - the last lifetime edition of Yesenin's poems, dated 1925.

The exhibition is widely represented by autograph verses and poems of S. Yesenin, letters, documents, collections of poems, published in different years and in different languages. The rich documentary material is complemented by numerous photographs, which show the poet's relatives, colleagues poetry workshop, and, of course, Yesenin in different years of life.

The exhibition presents more than 100 objects from the collections of the S. A. Yesenin State Museum.