To the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight: The new themed train is running in the Moscow metro on the Cosmonautics Day

15 April 2016

In the year of the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's flight on Tagansky-Krasnopresnensky Line of the Moscow Metro began running the themed train. The exposition is based on train stock materials of the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics and tells about the history and achievements of the national rocket and space industry. One of the train carriages is dedicated to the current Museum of Cosmonautics.

The exposition is dedicated to the history of the train and the testimony of the success and achievements of the domestic space industry. Before the passengers will be revived the bright pages in the history of Soviet and Russian space exploration - from the launch of Sputnik, the first human flight into space, the first spacewalk to the works of modern long-term orbital stations. The train makes available photos of the first cosmonaut of the planet, prominent scientists and designers of space technology. As well as photos of the first artificial earth satellites, spacecraft "Vostok" series, "Voskhod", "Soyuz", automatic interplanetary stations presented in the exposition of the Museum of Cosmonautics.