Information technology and society: The information and reference system for the Ministry of Defense of Russia is developed
The Ministry of Defense of Russia has been implementing an information and reference system "ARMYURIST: employees will receive an authorized online access to legal acts of the Ministry, and the documents will be guaranteed reserved.
Specialists of the ELAR Corporation have scanned, recognized and converted into the text format text about 60 thousand orders of the Ministry of Defense from 1918 to 2013. Updated versions of the documents which reflect the history of changes by electronic copies of documents, including images in PDF format, are available in the information system. Registered in the "ARMYURIST" users were able to quickly find the attributes on any order, and through hyperlinks - all related documents. Find the information you need in the orders may also be using the full-text search.
"The introduction of information and reference system with functionality allows employees to work with information on a new level - all the information will always be promptly available. The users include updated versions of the documents with hyperlinks and history changes. Now, when it began an active implementation stage, it comes the understanding that the project was held as a highly effective", - said Viktor Korotkov, head of the scientific and legal organizations of ELAR Corporation.
The Russian Defense Ministry plans to further develop the project in terms of capacity building for the introduction of new instruments, automated reference dictionary of military-technical terms, the creation of a feedback module, individual contributions, legally binding minimum serviceman with testing.