To the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space: The exhibition “Y. A. Gagarin visiting M. A. Sholokhov” in the Rostov region

8 April 2016

On April 8, 2016 the M. A. Sholokhov Museum-Reserve (the Rostov region) presents the exhibition "Y. A.  Gagarin visiting Sholokhov", which is dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space. M. A. Sholokhov responded to this event by telegram, published in "Pravda" newspaper: "Wow! And nothing to say more, numbing of admiration and pride to the fantastic success of the native Russian science".    

June 13, 1967 the Vyoshenskaya village took the first cosmonaut - Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin, who came with a delegation of young writers to meet Sholokhov.

The photo exhibition "Y. A. Gagarin visiting Sholokhov", which is held in the excursion and exhibition center "People's House" from 8 April to 10 May 2016, recounts the events of that day, the impressions that are left of the great writer's meeting with the first cosmonaut.

Guests are greeted at the airport at the Bazkovskaya station. Then Yury Alexeevich took part in a rally in the central square of the village, talked to its residents. Mikhail spoke with young writers, among who were not only representatives from different parts of the Soviet Union, but also from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Colombia and East Germany. This kind of creative workshop lasted more than three hours, and then Sholokhov showed the guests the most beautiful place on the Don - where it empties into Hopper. The people call this piece of nature "Gagarin meadow".

Gagarin visited the house of M. A. Sholokhov. He later recalled: "…Meetings with Mikhail Alexandrovich made a lasting impression on me. Sholokhov is full of warmth and friendliness. He has to itself with the first sentence. It creates such an atmosphere that it seems as if personally known him for a long time, and he has long been aware of his life. Listen to him – a great fun. Lessons by Sholokhov were human lessons, respect for each nation to other nations, learned international brotherhood. The depth of Sholokhov penetration to human souls is infinite…".