World culture: The exhibition of engravings “Apostles” from the collection of the Radishchev Museum in Saratov

6 April 2016

As a part of a series "Graphic album" in the Radischevs Museum (Saratov) was opened ​​an exhibition of "Apostles".

The exhibition is dedicated to the apostles, messengers of Christ. The exhibition includes 48 sheets, executed in various techniques of engraving in the XVI-XIX centuries by the masters of Italy, Holland, Flanders, Germany and France. These are images of the apostles in the portraits and events of life, reflected in Scripture.

Two series of portraits of the Apostles - work with drawings of famous artists Giovanni Piazzetta (Italy, 1682-1754) and Anthony van Dyck (Flanders, 1599-1641). Authors-engravers are less known - Pitter Giovanni (Italy, 1702-1786) and Cornelis Kaukeren (Flanders, 1625-1680). Etchings in technique of classic cutter show the completeness and in a special way the design emphasize image detail and scale of their mystery.

The engraving of the Dutch master Jacob Matam "Crucifixion" (1615) is made from the famous drawing by Albrecht Dürer "Great Calvary" (Uffizi, 1505). On a large-scale piece of the French engraver Jean Zhaze (1788-1871), executed in the technique of aquatint with original Francis Danby (France, 1793-1861) is depicted one of the most significant events of the life of St. John the Divine - a sermon on the island of Patmos, where he was sent into exile.

The windows contain the works "The apostle Peter and John heal a paralytic" by well-known European artists - Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528) and Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn (1606-1669). As well as unique miniature etchings by famous French engraver Jacques Callot (1592-1635) - "The Last Supper", lists of a series of "The agony of the Apostles", among which the only student at the exhibition image, betrayed Christ - Judas Iscariot.

Most of the exhibited prints come from the collection of Arcady Dmitrievich Stolypin - Adjutant General, the great statesman of Russian father - Pyotr Stolypin, a cousin of Mikhail Lermontov. They were donated to the museum in 1900. Several sheets - from the well-known collector Alexander Viktorovich Zvenigorodsky and founder of the museum of A. P. Bogolyubov - passed in 1885. Part of the work came in 1923 from the Volsky Museum and the State Museum Fund in 1926.

Many of the prints are made in different techniques, previously not exhibited. Part of the works has been specially restored for the exhibition by the restorer of the Radischev Museum – A. N. Konevtseva.