Russian culture abroad: The exhibition “The Russians in the South Australia” in Adelaide

3 April 2016

The large-scale exposition "The Russians in South Australia" was opened at the Museum of Migration in Adelaide. To visit it will be possible over the next three months.

As part of the exhibition there are presented two large-scale collages, each of which includes more than a hundred images presented within the exhibition. So the organizers paid tribute to everyone who has made a significant contribution to the life of the Russian community in South Australia since 1903. Among the exhibits - a true sketch of the iconostasis of St. Nicholas Church of Adelaide, which was created during the construction of the church and endorsed by the head of the diocese - at that time the Archbishop Sawa (Rajewski).

Visitors can see a Russian samovar, made at the end of the XIX century, coal iron and cast bronze mortar and pestle, which is already marked by sesquicentennial anniversary. These and other ancient relics have survived together with their hosts a double exile. First they were taken from Russia to China, and then - in Australia.