Information technology and museums: Interactive layout of the Battle of Kulikovo to be the central exhibit of the new exposition

1 April 2016

Specialists of the Museum-Reserve "The Battle of Kulikovo" (the Tula region) are working on the central subject of a new exposition "The Legend of Mamay" - an interactive layout illustrating a chronicle of the events of 7 and 8 September 1380.

Layout dimensions are impressive. The field of battle is presented over an area of ​​9 square meters. The model fits under a glass prism, pyramid, not only performs protective function, but also saturated with the most modern technical equipment. They allow the use of different lighting modes to show the layout of multiple projections to "revive" the picture of the battle.

Specialists of the Museum-Preserve and a design company "Amadeo" found, analyzed and selected a huge material that allows really presenting a chronicle of events of the two days on September 7 and 8 - from the ferry of Russian troops across the Don until the fierce battle, which is about to enter the Ambush regiment.

In the course of creating a unique layout I was accurately reproduced the landscape of the battlefield of the XIV century. In its basis - the results of paleogeographic and palaeobotanical works that the museum-reserve’s specialist in collaboration with scientists from the country’s leading academic centers were led for decades.

The working group of the Museum-Reserve was able to choose the time of the battle, the most advantageous for the show, to prepare a colossal material, allowing modelers fairly and artistically to produce and place on a small copy of Kulikovo field over 4000 figures - horse and foot soldiers, horses, and camels. Here are carts and Russian convoy, banners and tents of Horde and Russian armies and even boats.

Here the viewer will see Horde heavy and light cavalry, Russian infantry, cavalry and heavily armed an easy protected by plate armor warriors princely squads. For the first time in the history of the major battles of models are presented military leaders and heroes of the battle. Only by the Russian side are 14 of recognizable and equipped with special lighting characters.

In autumn of 2016, during the celebration of 636 anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo, the ready layout will be presented to visitors of the museum. The writers consider the possibility of familiarity with the layout in full for organized tour groups with a guide, as well as for individual visitors.