Information technology and museums: Mobile audio guide in the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics

31 May 2016

In the year of the 55th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin's space flight and its 35th anniversary the Moscow Museum of Cosmonautics launched a mobile audio guide. It will hold a guided tour through the halls of one of the most important science museums in the country.

Visitors will be told about the history of astronautics from the launch of the first artificial satellite, the flight of the legendary dogs Belka and Strelka, and the first man into space to the work of contemporary space stations.

To listen to the tour, you need to download the free app to your smart phone Izi.TRAVEL and select there the "Museum of Cosmonautics" section. In the autumn on the platform will be launched= street route "Moscow of Sergei Korolev" and a virtual audio tour for the Memorial house-museum of academician.