President of Russia: Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Russian Literature and Language Society’s Congress

27 May 2016

President of Russia Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the Russian Literature and Language Society’s Congress.

He said: “This is not the first time we are discussing Russian language and literature, although these subjects perhaps deserve even more attention and greater effort in their favour. After all, what we are really talking about here is the preservation of nothing less than our very national identity, how to preserve what makes us unique, our own character and traditions, and how to preserve the historic continuity and the links between the different generations. In other words, for Russians, this is a question of being and remaining Russian.

This is not the only area in which the Russian language has a role to play. In a country with as many faces, peoples and as much beauty as ours, the Russian language also helps to create a united Russian nation and serves as a language of communication between our different ethnic groups.

The Year of Literature last year was a success, and the central event, the Books of Russia festival on Red Square, is now an annual event. I have no doubt that the Russian Literature and Language Society’s efforts will give yet further impetus to supporting and developing Russian language and literature.

As the successor to the Society of Amateurs of Russian Literature, established in 1811, the Society’s mission is to bring together professionals, experts, teachers, parents, and cultural figures to provide a platform for developing common approaches to promoting Russian language and literature, supporting young and talented writers, and addressing the issues facing language and literature education.

Colleagues, I hope very much that the Russian Literature and Language Society will also become a key player in carrying out State Cultural Policy, the basics of which were approved in 2014. After all, Russian language and literature hold a central place in this document. You can count on the state authorities’ fullest support in this work.

…In this respect, the Russian Literature and Language Society has a particular role to play. It should become a powerful centre for educational and scholarly work, carry out projects in the education sector, the media and the arts, and support citizens’ initiatives.

Let me say once more, Russia’s literary heritage and uniquely expressive and multifaceted Russian language are our national treasures and we feel deserved pride in them and have a duty to preserve them.

Colleagues and friends, I hope very much that the Russian Literature and Language Society will become one of the most active and engaged participants in this important work for our country and for our people’s lives. I wish you good luck in this work from all my heart”.