Libraries and society: Solemn events to the National Day of Libraries and the 221st anniversary of the foundation of the Imperial Public Library in Saint-Petersburg

25 May 2016

May 25, 2016 in the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) is held a solemn event dedicated to the All-Russian Day of libraries and the 221st anniversary of the founding of the Imperial Public Library.

In the main building of the National Library of Russia will start working the XXVI Scientific readings "Book rarity of the National Library of Russia". There will be delivered speeches of scientists devoted to research of rare books.

The new building will host a solemn meeting devoted to 221st anniversary of the founding of the National Library of Russia.

You will hear a report-presentation "To the Year of Cinema: Images of libraries and librarians in the films".

Also in the exhibition hall of the New building of the National Library of Russia will be open the exhibition "One year in the life of the city through the eyes of "St. Petersburg Gazette". At the heart of the exhibition - 70 photographs depicting life in the city and its citizens. Of the three hundred issues of "St. Petersburg Gazette" there were selected the best shots of the leading photojournalists of city's main newspaper.