History and culture: Days of Slavonic written language and culture at the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve

21 May 2016

21, 22 and 24 May 2016 the Yaroslavl Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve are held traditional Days of Slavonic written language and culture. Holidays program is full of popular science lectures, meetings, workshops, exhibitions and interactive sessions. Each museum visitor, young and old will find something here something for their taste and liking.

One of the charming alleys in the territory of the museum-reserve these days turns into a makeshift library, it will be so called - "Reading alley". And there will be the alley by BookCrossing - very popular worldwide social movement. Probably  it will not leave indifferent the visitors of the museum he action "We read "the Word": its participants will read a particular passage from the poem "The Lay of Igor" in front of a movie camera. Mounted documentary, created by joint efforts will be placed in different social networks.

May 24 in all Slavic countries are solemnly celebrated the creators of the Slavic alphabet Cyril and Methodius. This day in the Yaroslavl Museum-Reserve will begin a morning liturgy in the Transfiguration Cathedral, and will be continued with a big concert "Singing the word" which is traditionally attended by many choirs of Yaroslavl.