History of Russia: The exhibition “The Russian Atlantis” in Kolomenskoye

17 May 2016

In Kolomenskoye in the church of St. George (1685) May 17, 2016 opens the exhibition "Russian Atlantis. Photos of the expedition of the Academy of Sciences and the builders of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station", which will continue its wok until October 2, 2016.

Photo exhibition "Russian Atlantis" - a story about the unsaved Russian settlements Priangarye about simple beauty of wooden houses built in the second half of the XIX century, about the inhabitants, among who were the descendants of the Old Believers-immigrants, whose culture was clearly shown in the paintings of his home.

Intensive study of the Russian population of Eastern Siberia began in 1957 in connection with the construction of the Bratsk hydroelectric power station and preparation of huge coastal flooding for Angara.

These pictures make it possible to make a trip to the Siberian village, walk along the streets, stop at the hut with strong gates and gate, admire the beautiful porch, patterned window casings, painted villages interiors of houses in the area Padunskie thresholds, made in national style, and painted the interiors of village houses Moscow in the upper reaches of the Angara with urban scenes.

The memories of the expedition members, excerpts of which can be read on the stands with photos, are preserved. These memories allow feeling the atmosphere of the time - at the same time the tragic destruction of the past and build a new heroic.